How eHealth Exchange Supports MIPS, IPPS and eCR Requirements

Request a MIPS, IPPS and eCR Letter of Support Below

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MIPS, IPPS and eCR eHealth Exchange Support Letter*

eHealth Exchange may provide supporting letters for 50 of the minimum 60 points an organization needs to earn EHR meaningful use reimbursement.

CMS is now allowing hospitals to take advantage of a new alternative promoting interoperability measure for health information exchange. The measure was first added to the CMS Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) in 2021. This is great news for the eHealth Exchange participants.  eHealth Exchange Participants may fulfill the “HIE Bi-directional Exchange” measure – a yes/no attestation worth 40 points – when they share health information bi-directionally via the eHealth Exchange HUB. 

If your organization both initiates and responds to queries from other Participants in the HUB, then you may request a letter of support from eHealth Exchange for the “HIE Bi-directional Exchange” measure for 40 points. and participates in the CMS MIPS and/or IPPS CMS programs then you may request a letter of support from eHealth Exchange for both “HIE Bi-directional Exchange” measure for 40 points.

Beginning 10/1/2021, hospitals can earn an additional 10 points towards the required 60 by implementing each of the four “Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange” measures including Electronic Case Reporting (eCr) notifications. If your organization shares electronic case reports via the Hub, the eHealth Exchange will provide a second letter of support stating your organization meets one of the four requirements to achieve these additional 10 points.  

Not Sharing Electronic Case Reports Yet?

eHealth Exchange network participants can begin Electronic Case Reporting for no additional network fees. Organizations may be able to automatically generate and submit eCRs via the Hub, a cost-effective and streamlined process for public health reporting and Meaningful Use requirements. Simply notify that your organization wants to push electronic case reports to APHL (Association of Public Health Laboratories).

To review the detail about the alternative measure visit the link below:

Federal Register with the specific data: 

Please keep in mind that Requirements may change each Performance Year (PY) due to policy changes.