Annual Fee Schedule

Providers, Non-Profit Health Information Exchanges or Networks

Pricing Structure Determined by

Adjusted/Net Patient Revenue or Total Expenses Annual Base Fee**
$5 Billion or greater $41,000
$500 Million to less than $5 Billion $27,000
$100 Million to less than $500 Million $25,000
$10 Million to less than $100 Million $19,000
$1 Million to less than $10 Million $11,000
Less than $1 Million $5,000

** No additional fees are charged for Carequality or TEFCA™ exchange. Although uncommon, an additional $4,000 annual fee will be applied for each supplemental gateway (technology platform) directly connected to eHealth Exchange.

**One-time testing fees to ensure your technology platform is interoperable might also apply.