Network Governance​

The Coordinating Committee provides governance over the eHealth Exchange health information network.

Role of the Coordinating Committee

The overarching role of the Coordinating Committee is to provide the needed governance, oversight, management, and support of the trust framework for eHealth Exchange network participants.

Committee Members



Matt Eisenberg, MD, FAAP

Stanford Health Care

Dan Paoletti

Ohio Health Information Partnership

Patti Cuartas, DMSc, MBA, PA-C, PMP, FACHE, ACHIP

Mount Sinai Health System

Arun Gopalan


John Kansky

Indiana Health Information Network

Pam Matthews, RN

East Tennessee Health Information Network

Paul Matthews


Julie Riddler, MA, PMP

Johns Hopkins Ambulatory

Sheryl Turney, MEd

Elevance Health


Hussein Ezzedin, PhD.

U.S. Food & Drug Administration

Sean J. Fry

Social Security Administration

Cindy Pan

Veteran's Health Administration

Lance Scott

Defense Health Agency

Mitch Thornbrugh

Indian Health Service

Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Change is stewarded by the eHealth Exchange Coordinating Committee. The roles and responsibilities of the Coordinating Committee set forth in the Data Use and Reciprocal Services Agreement (DURSA) include:  


  • Determine whether to admit a new participant
  • Maintain a definitive list of all transaction patterns supported by each of the participants
  • Develop and amending operating policies and procedures in accordance with Section 11 of the DURSA
  • Receive reports of breaches and acting upon such reports in accordance with Section 14.03 of the DURSA
  • Suspend or terminate participants in accordance with Section 19 of the DURSA
  • Resolve disputes between participants in accordance with Section 21 of the DURSA
  • Manage the amendment of this agreement in accordance with Section 23.02 of the DURSA
  • Fulfill all other responsibilities delegated by the participants to the Coordinating Committee
  • Evaluate, prioritize and adopt new performance and service specifications, changes to existing performance and service specifications and the artifacts required by the validation plan in accordance with Section 10 of the DURSA
  • Maintain a process for managing versions of the performance and service specifications, including migration planning
  • Evaluate requests for the introduction of emergent specifications into the production environment used by the participants to transact message content
  • Coordinate with ASTP to help ensure the interoperability of the performance and service specifications with other health information exchange initiatives including, but not limited to, providing input into the broader ASTP specifications activities and ASTP Standards and Interoperability Framework initiatives