Use Cases

Learn more about which use cases eHealth Exchange supports.

Treatment / Care Coordination

Enables access to critical information to support improved care coordination for patients by their providers during transitions of care

Social Security Disability Benefits Determination

Automates the request and retrieval of records to support applicants’ claims for disability benefits, accelerating determination process

Electronic Case Reporting

Enables providers to automatically transmit comprehensive case reports from the electronic health record (EHR) to public health agencies

Life Insurance Applications

Automates the request and retrieval of clinical records for life insurance applications

Encounter Alerts

Enables event notification of clinical encounters (with robust clinical details) to state & regional HIEs to populate longitudinal patient records

Approved but not yet implemented by participants:

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Pilot

Partnering with the Department of Justice’s RxCheck Hub program, providers can be informed that their patient has controlled substances/PDMP information elsewhere in the country and can review the data during their natural medication reconciliation workflows within their EHR

Immunization Notifications

Enables the push of immunization data for treatment purposes (not related to immunization registries)

Consumer Access to Health Information

Enables clinical exchange between patient and provider, often via a Personal Health Record (PHR)

Syndromic Surveillance Reporting

Enables providers to push discrete disease notifications (not full case reports) to public health agencies

Image Share

Enables organizations to share images